Bali Indonesia Crafts

Bamboo Straws from Indonesia

Bamboo Straw Factory in Indonesia

Bamboo Straw Factory in Indonesia

Bamboo trees grow very fast and are sustainable for reuseable straws. To avoid harming the environment, no forest is ever cut down. Although bamboo straws are reuseable, they will eventually need to be tossed out. When this happens, they will not damage the environment since they are easily degradable. Production for our bamboo straws consume minimal electricity. It's time we replace plastic straws. Instead of using plastic straws, use our natural bamboo straws wherever you go for a drink. Switch now from one time use plastic straws to 100% natural biodegradable bamboo straws from Indonesia.

Bamboo Straws from Indonesia

Reduce waste by avoiding plastic straws. Buy reusable washable straws that you can be use for many times. Our bamboo straws made of natural and organic bamboo material. BPA-free reusable bamboo straws without chemical dyes, inks or petroleum-based chemicals compared to plastic straws. Our bamboo straws also suitable for users with sensitive teeth.

  • Factory direct. Buying bamboo straws from us means you are buying direct from factory. Enjoy competitive pricing.
  • Quality control and years of experience
  • Eco-friendly. Our bamboo straws are chemical and BPA free. Safe, reusable, Biodegradable, 100% natural drinking straws.

Organic Bamboo Straws from Bamboo Factory in Indonesia

Bamboo Straws from Indonesia

Bamboo Straws from Indonesia

Bamboo Straws from Indonesia

Bamboo Straws from Indonesia

Bamboo Straws from Indonesia

Bamboo Straws from Indonesia

Bamboo Straw Factory in Indonesia

Bamboo straws are sustainable and eco friendly. Handcrafted and purely vegan, no chemical added. All natural and organic straws for drinking. The hole of each bamboo straw differs in size, with ranges for outer diameter from 0.32-0.39 inches and inner diameter ranges from 0.16-0.24 inches. Perfect for cold or hot drink such as tea, coffee, juice, etc. To wash this bamboo straws, rinse with water, add soap to the brush head and scrub the inside bamboo straw for about one minute and then rinse. Put upright and let air dry.

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