Balinese bone pendants from Bali Indonesia. Necklace pendants with traditional Balinese carvings motifs handcarved on the buffalo or cow bones. High quality of bone and craftsmenship. Samples available for quality check, sorry samples is not free. Available for small fee. Delivered direct to your address using express couriers such as DHL, FedEx, or UPS. Cheaper option available using post office ordinary mail package, which is not recommended due to the length of time it takes to arrive to your door. If you like these kind of fashion jewellery, please do not forget to visit our papua necklaces or carved buffalo head bone carvings wall decorations.
Pendants Photo No. 1
Bone Pendants from Bali Indonesia. Buffalo bone carvings made in Indonesia.
Pendants Photo No. 2
Bone Necklace Pendants from bali Indonesia by Balinese bone craftsmen
Bone Pendants from Bali. Photo Number 3
Pendants Photo No. 4
Bali Bone Carvings from Bali. Bone pendants wholesale direct from craftsmen in Bali Indonesia
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